Sunday, August 23, 2009

World Rowing Championships

The world rowing championships begin today in Poland... If you're planning to follow them, or just want to sound knowledgeable when talking to friends at the club, the U.K.'s Rowing News has a good article on the boats to follow...

I have Time Warner Cable which I'm sure is showing it somewhere, I just can't find it. If anyone knows a channel that's showing rowing, please let us know. Thanks!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Rowing and weddings...

Huge apologies to my two (dear) readers, but I got a bit busy getting married over the last couple of months or so....

Happily, some of my very best rowing friends could be there, including many of the awesome Celtic Warrior Princesses. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm not sure any rower could have had a wedding send off much better than this:

(On the off chance someone is still reading this, I hope to resume normal service -- perhaps with even the occasional post -- shortly)